Welcome Beautiful!

Welcome to Heart Official Intelligence!

A Transformational Journey

This potent container has 4 different modules that will help you to release old sabotaging patterns, and activate your purpose as a Feminine Genius.

Practical techniques for Shifting Limiting Beliefs and Outdated Mindset.

Practices for Mastering your up and down Emotions.

✨Visioning and Desire Mapping for your next level.

✨Discovering your Feminine Genius within relationship.

✨Feminine/Masculine principles for embodying wholeness.

Energetic Realignment for Manifestation and Personal Magnetism. 

Activating our feminine genius is about learning be the master of your emotions, and leading yourself from the inside out. 

 You know you came here onto this planet to make a big contribution...and you are ready to integrate and embody next level practices for identifying and moving through those limiting beliefs and sabotaging emotions that keep you playing so small.

You stepping into your greatness at this time is SO NEEDED!! 

There is no one else like you. 

Your feminine genius awaits. 

Do you hear the call? 

I see you sister...

You desire living a happy and fulfilling life, you wish to have outstanding relationships and you want to contribute to life by creating a ripple of positive impact...

But what still stands in the way?

You still find yourself struggling with old thought patterns and fear-based beliefs.

You don't understand!

After all this inner work, why do you still have bad days where your sabotaging fears get the best of you?

You know you came here for more...

You know you have a purpose...

There are days you trust the Universe,  days you trust your gifts, days when you feel amazing and on top of the world.

 And whether it be fear, or pain, or doubt, or an unsettled feeling deep within you...

 You cannot seem to shake it.

 And sometimes the emotions within you manifest as anger, or rage, and come out to spit fire at those you are closest to you.

How can this be!

 You feel spiritual, you feel your connection with the Divine, with a greater source of power within you...you have always felt deep down that you are connected to something bigger than your "self"

 But this rollercoaster of emotions and sneaky sabotaging belief systems, keep affecting how you show up in your business, relationships and life..

Which causes you to feel guilty, ashamed, or judgmental towards yourself.


Here's the thing.....

We are emotional, feeling beings!!

And our emotions are actually our super power...


We were just never taught how powerful we truly are.


 I see you sister...

 You desire to be a magnetic match for your desires, but you cannot seem to keep your vibe high all the time.

You hear people speaking about "being in alignment with their desires"

but what does that mean?

Your desires do not seem to be manifesting and you have no idea how this alignment thing works!!


 You are ready to break free of these patterns that continue to hold you back from stepping into your full power.


You are ready to release the walls and barriers that you have assembled around your heart for so long.

 You are prepared to let go of old emotional pain that feels stuck in your body and mind.

You are prepared to shift and re-pattern that which no longer serves.

 It is your time sister.

 Re-pattern your mindset, master your emotions and fine tune your vibration.


Learning, Integrating and Embodying the mysteries of Heart Official Intelligence.

This is for you if...

  • You desire to reset your mindset

  • You are done with your emotions running the show 

  • You have felt guarded when it comes to opening your heart. you are ready to shed the layers that still keep you playing small.

  • You want to explore your relationship with your feminine genius, and gain tools and techniques to go deep into anembodied practice.

  • You are ready to call in the highest love, to serve you, your relationship and your mission.

  • You want to trust that the universe has got your back, and that life is for you! 

  • You know you came here to make a greater contribution, and you are ready to explore tools that will help you become a feminine leader in your life and relationship.

  • You are no longer willing to play small. You are willing to take a stand a claim your greatness. 

A Journey into the Heart of Reconnection...

Module 1

In our first two weeks together we explore love. spiritual love. This is called Presence.

This is where we learn the art of peaceful pleasure.

This is setting the foundation for our work moving forward,  we dive into our relationship with the Universe and the inner power that is available to us in all moments.

This is where we dig into upleveling and fine tuning our vibration.

Module 2


The second two weeks are dedicated to reconnecting to the Self. 

We explore tools and techniques to reconnect to the Feminine self. 

this stage, we are learning to nurture and take care of the body, mind and emotions.

Learn the Art of Emotional Intelligence, using our emotions and our desires as our navigation system.

Getting to know your feelings, thoughts and actions.

Module 3


The third two weeks we explore opening our hearts in relationship.

Whether you are in intimate partnership or not at this moment, this will be an amazing training ground for open, conscious, and intentional communication, and relating on a personal level. 

partnership as a mirror.  coming together with another soul to grow and evolve

Learn tools to navigate relationship consciously. 

Module 4


The last two weeks, we dive into the heart of our purpose and service.

Finding your purpose is easier than one might think. this is the unveiling of your devotion.

Gain crystal clarity on your next level vision.

You will walk away from this Module having a clear focus on how to communicate your desires and take action towards your vision.


Kali Bhava

"Carla's guidance helped me to reconnect with many aspects of myself.

Because of Heart Official Intelligence, today I surround myself with beauty without asking for permission. I walk in my house shameless, I dance, I celebrate, I cry, I ask for space...

Today when I look at myself in the mirror I see both my masculine and feminine and I dare to love, nurture and listen to both of them and give the spaciousness each one needs when there is a celebration or struggle... without shame.

With HOI, I am feeling more woman and I love all the parts of my life I choose to play in.

I feel so connect in my own skin that my struggles are not avoided anymore, now I observe them and choose when and how I want to work with them because I learned many tools that allow me to do so.

There is this feeling within me now, after the HOI that was planted, a feeling of confidence and grace, a call to action for the mission of my heart within my own self.

It set the path forward for where I want to go but also, where I am standing and WHAT I am standing for, no matter what..I will show up, I know how to show up in my truth and rise... through my wisdom, my sweetness, my love.

So thankful for Carla and all the sisters I connected with, knowing that we will always hold this graceful space for each other."



Pay in Full

Immediate, Lifetime Access to Heart Official Intelligence!


$183/ Month

Payment Plan

2 Monthly Payments of $183!


Can you guarantee results if I complete this program?

Nope! When we think about “Results” or “Success” often we are feeling into an externally based expectation of what we think may happen.  This program has great potential to take you through some massive growth and shifts but that is if you show up consistently and do the inner work necessary for Personal and Spiritual alignment and development. No one will do this work for you, I invite you to have an open attitude going into the program, because when we stay detached from expectation and become receptive to what may flow into our life, we never know how miracles will show up for us!

I feel SO called to this program, but I have so many things going on in my life! Where will I find the time? 

As being someone who owns three businesses and still has tons of spaciousness in my life, I know that “time” is something that is created and prioritized. It does not matter how much is going on in our lives, we prioritize what we value.  I attract entrepreneurs into this group who are ready to go ALL IN and make the time to create their dreams. As a mentor, I am someone who will take a stand for you and offer you a level of accountability which can help to keep you on track! Remember that you get out of this program what you put into it!

I REALLY want to do this program, but money is tight for me at the moment, what can I do?

Remember that EVERY TIME you invest in yourself, you are increasing your value of YOURSELF!  Whether you be a coach, entrepreneur, creator, and space holder, etc, your value increases when you say YES to investing energy into yourself.  I have invested thousands of dollars into myself to create the life of my dreams and get my businesses up and running, this money always shows right back up! With the right intention, when you trust yourself, and trust the Universe, beautiful abundance always continues to flow in! I have learned that sometimes it takes making that big leap of faith to create even more abundance and wealth in your own life! 

What if I need to miss a call? 

No problem! Each call is recorded and you can listen to it and follow along anytime, then ask questions in the Facebook Group as needed.

Do you offer refunds if I find out later that this program is not for me?

No refunds are available.